The heavy rain this weekend caused the flows to rise to 15,000 CFS. This is close to the flow rate (18,000) that inundates the tunnel and forces water around the horseshoe. Flows of this rate do cause changes in the river bed. They are great for clearing away debris and overgrowth along the river edge. Often it creates new holes and changes in the river bottom. Over the last seven years I have seen substantial change in areas downstream.

The Cathedral is one place that has had major changes. Years ago it was quite easy to cross the river just below the Cathedral. About five years ago a high flowed washed away the sand that caused the river edge to go from 3’ deep to 5’ deep. These changes in the river make the club that more attractive to me because I enjoy exploring and finding new places and ways to fish. It’s like going to a new river where you are now familiar with where the fish are located. The coming year promises new challenges as well as changes that you may or may not like. We will see come spring.